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As a community, we want to respond to the travesties and atrocities of what is happening in Afghanistan. Missio has sought out ways we can engage that distant darkness with the light and love of Jesus.
One of our Alliance ministry partners, Salem for Refugees, welcomed a family of 10 from Afghanistan on Sept. 7th and is expecting at least twenty-one more individuals in the coming weeks.
Here are two tangible ways you can respond to what’s going on with hope and help:
1. Airport Welcome: Join Doug & Anya at the Portland Airport to help welcome the families when they first arrive. Contact Anya Holcomb (Pastor of Refugee Ministries at Salem Alliance Church) for more information at

Welcoming refugee families is an eye-opening experience (for us), and it is an encouragement to both Doug & Anya (to have others support this work) and to the families when they arrive. 

2. Gift Cards: Salem for Refugees is collecting $25 Winco or Walmart gift cards to help the family with food and basic supplies for their first few weeks in Salem. 

- Buy an electronic gift card and send it to:

- Buy a physical gift card and mail it directly to Salem For Refugees - Doug & Anya Holcomb
555 Gaines St. NE Salem, OR 97301 

*Include a note that your gift card is for the Afghan refugees.

3. Restart Kits for Refugees - Completed: Most refugees arrive in the United States with next to nothing, Missio helped refugees begin the resettling journey by putting together Restart Kits. 

Salem For Refugees sends a huge, Thank You to the Missio Family! We were able to complete 13 Restart Kits over two weeks. 

  • 2 - Kitchen Kit 
  • 4 - Bedding Kit 
  • 4 - Baby Kit 
  • 1 - Cleaning Kit 
  • 2 - Bathroom Kit