Our Mission

Missio exists to be an authentic community that makes Jesus fully known so others may fully know him.

Why the name Missio?

Missio is Latin for "Mission". We believe God has gathered us for the sake of his mission. Central to God's mission or desire for the world is that all who engage the Gospel might experience his peace and be renewed by a redeeming hope that comes through the person and work of Jesus. In return for all that God has done in our lives, we want to impact Portland by sharing God's hopeful message with others. Just as God has entered our world to bring hope, we want to make it our mission to enter our city and every relationship by living out his redemptive message so that people will personally experience the great redeeming truth and love found in Jesus (Matthew 28:17-19).

Core Values

Missio is comprised of ordinary people who live life together to do one thing: love God and love people. We believe we accomplish this by sharing life together through five distinct core values. These values help us keep a common current as a blend of people who are deeply committed to Christ and desire to invest in one another.

God is Love. He made himself (his love) known to us by sending his only Son into the world to give us the gift of salvation through a relationship with him. Because he loved us first in this way, we desire to love God in return and share the love of God with the world around us. We know that we embody his love imperfectly, so we rely on his perfect love to continually save us and compel us to move closer in our relationship with him and others. It is our hope that others will come to know Jesus by the way we love and follow God, and that we love one another the way he has called us to.

We value honesty before God as we continually experience life in God's grace and truth. We readily admit that our world and our lives are broken. It's this recognition that drives our confession to seek Jesus even more, allowing him to complete us.

We believe God is our father and we are his children. We meet often to learn and love through relationships, sharing what we have in Christ with anyone, anywhere in our city.

We thoroughly explore Scripture. Central to our teaching and actions as a community is the person and work of Jesus Christ. In response to his death and resurrection, we believe we are a sent people who are called to make every aspect of our lives reflect his image and the personal message of peace found in him.

We value transformed lives! We intentionally celebrate the new life we have in Christ as a community through the teaching of Scripture and authentic expression. We make it a priority to celebrate God's tremendous graciousness toward us both in our missional communities and weekly gatherings.


What is the front door of a community that follows Jesus? Is it the doors of a Sunday gathering? Is it a living room community (what we call a Missional Community)? We believe the front doors of Missio are the people you connect with each week. Our vision is that all may come to know Christ and be known by him through those who follow him.

How are we going to accomplish this through people? We envision:

  1. People meeting during the week in Missional Communities throughout the city, focusing on Jesus' teachings and bearing the burdens of others who deeply need to know the love of Jesus both spiritually and tangibly.

  2. Gatherings where people experience Christ-centered worship, hear and respond to God's redemptive message, and are encouraged to love people in the same manner in which Christ loves the world.

  3. People blessing the city by partnering with organizations involved in coming alongside the broken and marginalized, becoming instruments of redemptive change in the city we love.

  4. Multiple cultures and ages in all stages of life entering our community and being warmly received so they spiritually heal and rekindle their faith in Christ.

  5. New missional leaders who are committed to planting Jesus-centered Missional Communities that impact the city and the most broken parts of the world.