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"The longing for solitude is the longing for God. It is the longing to experience union with God unmediated by the ways we typically try to relate to God. By “unmediated” I mean: a direct experience of God that is not mediated by words, by theological constructs, by religious activity, by my own or other’s manipulations of my relationship with God. It is the practice that spiritual seekers down through the ages have used to experience intimacy with God rather than just talking about it." - Ruth Haley Barton, Sacred Rhythms

Experiencing intimacy with God through silence and solitude is a learned practice and discipline, one that we believe is critical to our overall health as humans and disciples of Jesus today. We invite you to lean into this opportunity to learn and practice silence and solitude as an exercise of faith and drawing near to Jesus with the desire of living in a deeper relationship with him.

What To Bring
Bring a Bible, journal, pen, and either a blanket or camp chair. We will provide a simple silence & solitude guide. We also encourage you to dress comfortably.

Is There Something For Kids?
Yes! The Missio Staff Team will be hosting a space for kids (age 3+) and youth to have fun together and grow in relationship with Jesus.