Baptism Classes
Are you interested in taking a meaningful step of faith by being baptized? Then we invite both children and adults to attend two preparation classes on March 16 and March 30 after the Expression from 11am-12pm (location TBD). Parents, if your child would like to be baptized, we ask that you attend both classes with them. To sign up, please email Pastor Tim ( by March 13.
Good Friday Service
Join us April 18 from 6-7pm for Good Friday, a contemplative and reflective gathering. Our nursery will be open, and we'll have special activities in Missio Kids for children ages preschool through 5th grade.
Easter Sunday Expression & Baptisms
At our Easter Sunday Expression on April 20 from 9:30-11am, we'll celebrate Jesus’ victory over death, bringing us abundant hope and life! We’ll also rejoice with those who are being baptized.