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Neighborhood House is an organization located in SW Portland; Part of its mission is to bring neighbors together to reduce hunger and food insecurity in our city. Since 2007, Neighborhood House has held the SW HOPE community food drive in the Spring to combat the sharp decline in food donations that occurs after the new year begins. One HUGE way we’ve been able to partner with them is by holding the SW Hope 5K run. This event is tons of fun and has made a sizable impact in our community, raising thousands of dollars to fight food insecurity each year. 
This year, the run will be on Saturday, April 9th.
Here is how you can help:
- Save the date and participate.
- Get the word out and invite friends to join us. 
- Sign up, run, and donate (registration will be announced shortly).
- Help before the event by joining the organization team.
Contact Tyler Dudley to join one of the teams responsible for organizing, marketing, and executing the event day of.